They says it's hard? I don care.
It's impossible? I don care.
I am wasting my time? I don care.
I will miss everything? I don care.
No way I can find a door? I don care.
I am selfish? I don care.
I am wasting my money? I don care.
I am not realistic? I don care.
I am seeing a big one while they see a big zero? I don care.
I should go for practical matters? I don care!
When it comes to my will, I never care for any word, expression and help. Most people, unkowingly, act exactly like a break. If I had ever considered that break, I would have never moved even a pace. They don know me, otherwise they would belt up!
break??it is a good idea.
tnx 4 ur indication, unfortunately i am not in the mood to correct it now.
why is break a good idea? I mean the break with a HALT nature not the one which has sth to do with rest or entertainment.
yup. u are right.
any way, I like your post and its sentences
it s so sweet of you
Hi there
h r u?
you know what I think?==> most of the times they say these words to Prevent you of doing sth worthy & good! They say it's impossible cause they think IT IS POSSIBLE for you; you might do that & if you do, they will die of jelousy! you're doing good by not listening to them.
Do not listen to anyone, take the ideas but don't let force you to do what they want.
have fun & take care
let me say sth! once i sent an email to sb who I wanted to get some instructions from. I started with Hi there... my answer was sorry I do not answer those emails whose writers tend to say Hi there!
My FAK was totally down for a while!
it is a routine expression i don know why that person made such an intense reflection
باهات موافق نیستم اما تحسین برانگیزه.
who are youuuuu
I am ideeeeee :d
بستگی داره اونی که این حرفا رو بزنه کی باشه؟
اگه بدونی خیرخواهته و دوستت داره ، لااقل روی حرفش فکر می کنی.
در غیر این صورت ، خواسته ی دل ارجحیت داره!
میدونی وقتی چیزی برام به صورت will در بیاد واقعن مهم نیست طرف کیه و چه نظری داره... من در همچین حالتهایی به حرف و اراده خودم بیشتر اعتقاد دارم.
Bah Bah!! Baba…Bah bah!!! Hello Idee ol jigarrrrrrrr!

I do like Posts in English!
My slogan is: "Don't get stuck in the words said by people! Don't stop moving ahead! Just go on & enjoy the result!"
Life is a river! Just trill over!
Hello... U ok??
ّI do like english posts as well
yeah... when it comes to wills that should be exactly so
ایده جون چقدر اولش خوبه که آدم همش بگه

I don care دوست داشتم خیلی حال میده ها اگه تو اینطوری هستی دمت گرم . خیلی باحالی و حال زندگی تو ببر چون بیشتر آدمها اینطوری نیستن.
البته باید در مورد این I don care ها عمیق بود و عمیق رفتار کرد. منظورم اینه که الکی نباشه... من اگر چیزی واسم ویل باشه جدن برام مهم نیست بقیه چی بگن...
i don care 'n i don care

you just repeat ur answer like my sheep
[:by the way it's the best answer
i am not a blogger any more 'n i just came here
to say tnx 4 ur visits
oh my goddddd... it was an accident i didn mean to act like your sheep, by the way u r right :d
I know! there is no force to write! but I liked your posts
i think people wait to see what other peole want to do and just at the moment u make a disicion and want to get into action they try to find a mistake to make u change ur decision..they are lurking everywhere to come and prove themselves!
once one of my friends told me why u do everything together ? why u put urself in pressure to go to different classes ?
so what ?
i remember that for a week i cried because i my self didn't know why!
and i remember that i lost my motivation for going to different classes! when the time passed understood it doesn't matter my goal!
life i like that !
let people say whatever they want!
i continue!
یا حق
i agree :)
When there is a will, there is a way. There is faith in this statement and I like it. Sometimes that way is somewhere you might not think of in the first place. keep your eyes open and don't be overconfident about anything. don't underestimate any opportunities! I am saying these because I think I know in what context you're talking
actually that statement isnt mine. but i do believe in that
i am not overconfident, i am just pursuing my way without being halted because of people\s statements. maybe what i am looking for is a bit strange and seems to be a waste of time, but i have reasons of my own.
you know it s the matter of changes... changes often make people get scared.
فکر کنم بعد جمله ها باید علامت تعجب بذاری نه علامت سوال!
نه همون علامت سوال درسته!
خوبین شما؟ مشتاق دیدارتون هستیم!!!
در مورد پست بالایی بهتره بگی : با خاک یکی می کنیم!!!!!!!!!!
آره :دی
این جمله اولت خیلی بو دارهههههههههههههههههههه
ها؟ نه بو نمیده به خدا راست میگم!
Hello world
i can't leave bloging t so i came back
good for me! how is your sheep? that post was really great. i liked it so much
خدا به دور مادر کیو داری سوراخ میکنی خدا رحمش کنه یا نکنه؟
خدا رحمش کرد خانوم جون. رفتش کنار بالاخره
این پست بعدیت چقدر خشنه!!!!
خوب من خودمم خیلی خشنم. واقعیتیه.
فعلا که کامنتینگ پستت رو سوراخ کردی!
نه اون بیچاره که سوراخ نیست! بسته س!